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International Ph. D. Program in Innovative Technology of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Devices

The Research Center for Intelligent Medical Devices (RCIMD) at Ming Chi University of Technology (MCUT) was founded in 2018 to integrate the multi-disciplinary faculty and on-campus resources to promote potential new academic-industrial cooperation research projects. To further strengthen research ability and personnel, the PhD Program approved in 2019 consists of biomedical materials, intelligent medical devices, rapid biomedical inspection, and 3D printing for biomedical applications.

Scholarship and Benefits:

  This PhD Program provides full scholarships to the full-time graduate students with exceptional academic performance and research potential, including tuition and room waiver. The scholarship based on academic performance (evaluated by the Academic Affairs Committee) are allocated for up to three years.
  In addition, the PhD candidates are required to be a research assistant (RA) or/and teaching assistant (TA), who can receive teaching assistantship (NT$ 15,000 monthly) or/and research assistantship (based on research funding).

Application Deadlines:

Fall Semester: April 30th.
Spring Semester: October 15th.

Application Materials Required:

Applicants have to upload the following documents at http://foreignadm.mcut.edu.tw

  1. Application Form.
  2. Certificate of Highest Education Level or Equivalent Qualification and Transcript: The certificate must be authenticated by an R.O.C. embassy, consulate, economic and cultural office, representative office or other organizations authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  3. Financial Statement.
  4. Health Certificate.
  5. Declaration for International Students.
  6. Two Recommendation Letters and Study Plan.