114.02.26 國際高齡照護論壇
🎉 「國際高齡照護論壇」圓滿落幕!攜手共創智慧照護新未來! 🎉
🎉 "International Elderly Care Forum" Successfully Concludes! Shaping the Future of Smart Elderly Care! 🎉
由 明志科技大學 與 長庚科技大學 共同推動的 高齡智慧產業加速器 成功舉辦 「國際高齡照護論壇」!本次論壇匯聚來自學界與業界的專家,深度探討全球高齡照護的發展趨勢,並分享創新技術與應用成果,共同迎戰人口高齡化的挑戰!
💡 高齡智慧產業加速器——引領高齡照護產業創新
透過 產學合作、技術輔導、跨國市場鏈結,我們致力於推動智慧照護產業發展,協助企業打造高效能的高齡照護解決方案,提升長者的生活品質!
🎤 重量級講者陣容
🔹 張淑紅 所長|長庚科技大學 高齡暨健康照護管理系
🔹 島義弘 社長|日本 SHMA 島製作所
🔹 洪國永 院長|明志科技大學 工程學院暨智慧醫療研究中心
其中,來自 日本 SHMA 島製作所 的專家帶來國際視角,分享高齡者與身障者輔具的最新開發技術,提供智慧照護產業發展的新思維!
📌 論壇精彩亮點
✅ 專家剖析全球高齡照護市場趨勢與未來發展
✅ 產學攜手,企業分享最新技術與應用案例
✅ 台日國際合作,簽署合作備忘錄,深化技術與市場鏈結
✅ 業界交流熱烈,共同推動智慧照護產業前進
🚀 邁向未來
本次論壇在熱烈的討論與掌聲中圓滿結束,但智慧照護的發展才正要開始!未來,高齡智慧產業加速器 將持續推動技術創新與跨國合作,攜手打造高齡友善社會,為長者創造更幸福的生活!
📢 讓我們一起迎接高齡智慧照護的全新時代!
The International Elderly Care Forum, organized by the Elderly Smart Industry Accelerator, a joint initiative of Ming Chi University of Technology and Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, successfully took place! This forum brought together experts from academia and industry to explore global trends in elderly care, share cutting-edge innovations, and address the challenges of an aging population.
💡 Elderly Smart Industry Accelerator—Driving Innovation in Elderly Care
Through industry-academia collaboration, technology guidance, and international market connections, we are dedicated to advancing the smart elderly care industry, helping businesses develop high-efficiency solutions that enhance the quality of life for seniors.
🎤 Distinguished Speakers
🔹 Dr. Shu-Hung Chang | Director, Department of Senior Citizen and Health Care Management, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology
🔹 Mr. Yoshihiro Shima | President, SHMA Shima Co., Japan
🔹 Dr. Guo-Yong Hong | Dean, College of Engineering & Intelligent Medical Research Center, Ming Chi University of Technology
Among them, experts from Japan’s SHMA Shima Co. shared international insights into the latest advancements in assistive devices for seniors and individuals with disabilities, providing new perspectives for the future of smart elderly care.
📌 Forum Highlights
✅ Expert analysis of global trends and future developments in elderly care
✅ Collaboration between academia and industry, with companies sharing the latest technologies and applications
✅ Strengthening Taiwan-Japan partnerships, signing MOUs to enhance technology and market connections
✅ Active discussions and networking, driving the smart elderly care industry forward
🚀 Looking Ahead
While today’s forum concluded with enthusiasm and applause, the journey toward smarter elderly care has only just begun! Moving forward, the Elderly Smart Industry Accelerator will continue to drive technological innovation and international collaboration, creating a more senior-friendly society and a better future for aging populations.
📢 Join us in shaping the next era of smart elderly care!